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Day 093 – 100 days of Keto (Chow)

< 1 minute April 6, 2016
lipoprotein subclasses chart
  • Weight: 204.7
  • Blood ketones: 0.3 mmol/L

I launched the new front page yesterday, overall the reactions are positive; should have done that a long time ago =). Yesterday I did 3 keto chows.

It’s awfully convenient to have when you’re really busy and have to work through lunch.

I got a letter from my health insurance, seems they looked at my most recent lipid profile test (strangely enough, that’s from nearly a year ago). They wanted to mail me to let me know that they think I have hyperlipidemia and think I should be taking statins. They also say I should stop eating cheese, red meat and eggs, eat more fruit and use low fat dairy products. So… I should ignore the last 50 years of ACTUAL scientific study that show dietary cholesterol does not affect serum (blood) cholesterol and start poisoning myself with carbohydrates again. Yeah, no thanks.

The fact that my Triglycerides are about half what they used to be, my HDL is up I guess the next step to do is get a VAP or NMR test, I’ll probably arrange for that during my next doctor appointment.

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