Crisis averted, most Keto Chow flavors are back in stock
About 2 weeks ago, we determined we would bring in enough materials to make 2
About 2 weeks ago, we determined we would bring in enough materials to make 2
We are having supply issues with several components, notably xanthan gum and the silver bags
Can I just say: I’m excited! It’s been over a year since I first started
Mark from the Low-Carb Show, contacted me a few weeks ago to see if I
We didn’t come close to anticipating the amount of black blender bottles we would need
TL;DR: major progress, gotta wait on the old protein to go back and get new
It’s February… again. That must mean it’s time for the #rootstech conference. Like last year,
Saw this on XKCD, mouse-over says “The key is portion control, which is why I’ve
To recap for those who don’t live and breathe this stuff: I’m in the final
Excellent documentary about a super skinny guy that was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes.
The content of this website is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice. Use of recommendations is at the choice and risk of the reader. If you are on any medication, please consult with your family doctor before starting any new eating plan. Keto Chow is not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease. Pregnant or breast feeding women should consult their health care professional before consuming.