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100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 56

< 1 minute February 26, 2019
100 days of keto chow day 56

Yep, it was water weight. Either that or I somehow lost 2.3lbs in one day =) With that corrected, I’m now down 28.1lbs in the last 56 days.

We have everything lined up to make another round of Keto Chow samples and I just ordered 2350lbs of 28% fat light roast peanut flour to make more bags of Chocolate Peanut butter. While that’s being made, we’re going to try a different machine to see if we can finally get some samples of the chocolate peanut butter made but don’t hold your breath.

[wps_products title="Chocolate Peanut Butter Keto Chow" limit="4" items_per_row="4" available_for_sale="true" connective="or"]

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