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100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 57

< 1 minute February 27, 2019
100 days of keto chow day 57

Well, I did my final weigh-in for the city weight loss challenge this morning. I don’t think I won the city competition but I won my own personal competition: 28.4 lbs lost (among other things). One way I know that I didn’t win is we had a guy come in yesterday that picked up some of the Keto Chow samples we donated to the city competition last week and wanted to know more as he’s doing keto. If I remember correctly, he said that he’s down like 40 lbs. Winning this competition was so much easier before everyone learned about keto =)

We did our weekly Facebook Live last night. We had a special guest: Amanda of @amandaeatsketo fame as well as many of the recipes that use Keto Chow. I have the 4K version of that video encoding right now, I’ll get it onto YouTube as soon as I can. Anyway, TTFN!

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