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100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 73

2 minute read • March 15, 2019
100 days of keto chow day 73

So I’m really quite glad that I am doing an all-liquid diet right now. I got a crown on one of my molars yesterday (failing filling FTW!) and haven’t needed to chew anything. This morning I grabbed some sugar-free gum and it’s still quite sore, not a problem at all! I believe I’m also coming down with a cold or something, probably picked it up last week in Denver. The interesting thing is that illness is very likely to massively change my blood test results so the blood test I did this morning before I came into work is likely to reflect the illness.

Today I have a bunch of stuff to finish up, I also picked up the ingredients to make Keto Chow Drop Biscuits for the biscuits and gravy I’m making for tomorrow’s Keto Meat-Up. I’m editing down an interiew we did with Megan Ramos about our electrolyte supplements, it’s really fantastic stuff. Finally, at Low Carb Denver we met a really nice lady from Australia that seemed to quite like Keto Chow. On the final day I made sure to let her know that we were going to need to either pour out the samples we had for people to drink or it would be wasted so she got quite a lot. Turns out she’s Jessica Turton, I’ve even listened to her on several podcasts and simply didn’t recognize who she was. I’m claiming the dental braces made her look really young so I have an excuse. She posted on her personal blog today and gave us a shout-out, which was very nice:

Between talks there was plenty of time to chat and network with the presenters, vendors and attendees. And if you are a lover of food samples (like me) then you would have been loving the vendors at this event. There is nothing better than a vendor that has almost an unlimited supply of food samples… Never trust anyone selling food that is stingy with their samples! I have to give a massive shout out to the team at Keto Chow for keeping me so damn satiated across the three days. These guys do keto meal replacement shakes that actually taste good! If you have had a consult with me you’ll know that I don’t like recommending protein shakes or meal replacement products, but since working long hours in clinical practice myself (and having braces…) I have come to realise the important role that high-quality meal replacement shakes can play in many of our busy lives. The team at Keto Chow continued to fill my little sample cup up with delicious flavours like choc mint, eggnog and pumpkin pie (oh my gosh yum!).

[wps_products title="Chocolate Mint Keto Chow, Eggnog Keto Chow, Electrolyte Drops" limit="4" items_per_row="4" available_for_sale="true" connective="or"]

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