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Facebook Live recording from Jan 23, 2019

< 1 minute January 23, 2019
facebook live

Last night we did our weekly live broadcast. Talked about stuff, answered viewer questions, and went over some of the questions we had received during the week. Here is the high-quality recording that we posted on YouTube. This week we talked about:

  • Chocolate Toffee is on sale
  • Blender bottle for $1
  • Sample availability – a ray of hope
  • Most Popular Flavors
  • 100 Days of Keto (Chow) going great
  • New Fasting and Electrolyte Drops
  • “Everyone is talking about Keto Chow. Where do I go to order it??”
  • Difference between “Strawberry” and “Natural Strawberry”
  • Keto Chow and the TSA (potassium!)
  • Mixing with ice in a blender
  • Making Mayonnaise using eggs and avocado oil vs. buying it

Or, if you prefer, here is the original Facebook video with the viewer comments from the live broadcast.

[wps_products title="Chocolate Toffee Keto Chow, Natural Strawberry Keto Chow, Strawberry Keto Chow" limit="4" items_per_row="4" available_for_sale="true" connective="or"]

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