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Going all-in – quitting my “day job”

< 1 minute November 15, 2017
casino chips

Well, it’s been a long time coming, and likely should have happened quite some time ago. January 19th, 2018, will be my final day at my soon-to-be-former “day” job as a SalesForce admin for a non-profit. I’ve held off this long for a number of reasons (insanely good health insurance, I like the team I’m working with, I’m helping people) but it’s gotten to a stage where I really have no other choice and it’s time to move forward.

This should alleviate much of the work my awesome wife has been taking on, and I should be able to move stuff forward with Keto Chow better. It should also mean our fantastic customer service will be even better AND the warehouse in South Jordan will be open for longer hours. Same-day shipping cut-off will be later too, so you may be able to order as late as 1 or 2 pm (mountain) and still get your order shipped out that same day.

Exciting times!

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