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Keto Chow Success Stories: Joe F.

< 1 minute January 16, 2023
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I started doing Strict Keto after a normal checkup found I was pre-diabetic. I was directed to lose weight and cut down my sugar intake. In 3 months, I lost 30 lbs. I hit a wall. I love berries and fruits and they are virtually off limits on Strict.

I wanted to continue my success (30 lbs. to go), but the craving for my beloved fruits wouldn’t go away. That’s when I found Keto Chow. I got my starter pack just today and was so excited to have strawberries again.

It was so delicious, I immediately ordered a big bag of Strawberry Chow and was lucky enough to snag a big bag of Raspberry Cheesecake Chow as well!

Keto Chow has allowed me to stay the course on my Keto journey while still enjoying the flavors I love. Thanks Keto Chow!!

Length of being on keto: 3 months

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