Yesterday marked 8 months doing ketogenic “soylent”, and the day before that was my 20 year High School reunion.
At the reunion I kept getting “wow, you look exactly the same!” probably because the organizers made us name tags that had our Senior portraits on them. If I remember correctly I was about 200 when I started my senior year and about 210 when I graduated. so technically I weighed a bit less then 20 years prior. I was really working on hitting One-derland before the reunion but didn’t quite make it =( It was nice to be the skinny(er) guy for a change. It was also nice that the dinner had keto friendly foods: Prime rib, as well as some meats and cheeses. Should have gotten a second plate of prime rib.
About a week ago I finally broke through my stall. I had been moving up and down between 206 and 211 for nearly a month. I’m thinking the likely culprit was Malitol which is a “sugar alcohol” that isn’t absorbed and used as quickly as glucose but it still eventually gets through. Other sugar alcohols are much better (Erythrotol and Xylotol) and aren’t a problem. Unfortunately most “sugar free” candy uses malitol so I stopped eating any of that and my weight started moving again.