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Sample availability update, after thanksgiving mayhem

2 minute read • November 28, 2017

TL;DR: More samples should be available on Thursday.

We’ve had an interesting few days! Our Black Friday sale went quite well, much better than last year, and Saturday and Sunday the orders kept coming in… then Monday happened.

One of our Keto Chow users (and the guy that started me down the rabbit hole that is using avocado oil) posted to the /r/keto subreddit some pictures of himself and his girlfriend and their transformation doing Keto. He also did a shout-out to Keto Chow which he says has been instrumental in helping him do keto effectively.

The thread went a little nuts, traffic to our site went a little nuts, orders for Keto Chow went a lot nuts. I posted on the thread:

In case there was any doubt that /u/JohnnyRockets911 is NOT shilling for Keto Chow: there’s no way I would have told him to post this on the day we were doing free shipping plus a sale on the sample bundles =)

Problem with all this is, now I can’t tell what’s the result of Cyber Monday, what’s the result of the Reddit thread, and what’s a combination of the two! Yes, it’s a good problem to have =) By 2:00 pm, the 8 foot bed of our pickup was completely full and orders were still coming in faster than we could ship them. So we called it a day and will ship the rest that came in today.

Now, as for samples: The “Sample all the Things” bundle sold out last night, it was based on the number of Chocolate samples we had remaining. The bad news is that it can take weeks or even months to get more. The Good news is: I ordered more a few months ago and we are supposed to be getting them on Wednesday afternoon. As soon as we actually for realsies have them on a truck I’ll mark the samples and the sample bundles as back in stock so they can start shipping out on Thursday.

[wps_products title="Chocolate Keto Chow" limit="4" items_per_row="4" available_for_sale="true" connective="or"]

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