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100 Days of Keto (Chow) Day 27

2 minute read • January 28, 2019
100 days of keto chow day 27

Happy Monday everybody! There’s only one day left in the Keto Chow Diet Bet Challenge so get ready and remember: if you’ve been weighing yourself “unofficially” you will likely weight 2-3lbs more when wearing clothing. Speaking of which here’s how we’re going to figure out the winners of the Keto Chow gift cards:

When I started the challenge, I assumed (incorrectly) that as the organizer of the DietBet I would be able to see a leaderboard or something so I could easily determine the winners. Yeah, not so much. I have to look at each person’s public profile and see what percentage they’ve lost, one-by-one. To help accomplish this and maintain my sanity, I have a google sheets form for people to fill out. You’ll want to fill out the form AFTER your final weigh-in is approved, sometime after tomorrow when the challenge ends or it will not have the last official weigh-in which is the one that counts

The form will take you through each step of getting the info I need. If you participated, please fill out the form, even if you didn’t lose the 4% and don’t think you’ll win the grand prizes, I’m going to email everyone that participated and fills out the form a consolation prize (OK, it’ll be a coupon for Keto Chow). So please do it!

Alright, enough about that. Let’s talk about the Keto Chow I mixed up last night: I’m switching from 100ml of heavy cream + 15ml of MCT oil in each Keto Chow shake to 60ml of heavy cream + 20ml of avocado oil + 15ml of MCT oil. That will modulate my net carbs for each day from 10.3g down to 6.7g. It’ll be interesting to see how that affects my ketone levels. Also, the avocado oil will make the kids less likely to steal my Keto Chow from the fridge. I’ve started mixing up 5-6 just for them to have, we’ll call it “cannon fodder” =).

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