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12 week weight loss challenge completed

< 1 minute April 15, 2015

My wife and I just finished a 12 week weight loss challenge our city puts on.

Just before it started I “leveled the playing field” by eating carbs for a few days which had the “desired” effect of making we gain a whole lot of (mostly water) weight that took about a week to keto off. So how did I do? Well, my first official weigh in was 247.8 and the weigh in from this morning was 213.2 – that represents a 13.96% loss; we’ll call it 14% for short. Just for reference my bathroom scale says I weigh 210.9 – but that’s with far less clothing =). It was a competition in percentage of weight lost (as opposed to total weight) . The last 3 times I did it the overall winners have been in the 17-21% loss range, The men’s winners have been in the 15-9% range and the women’s have been in the 12-14% range. So I doubt I’ll win overall but I just might win the male division. I’ll find out in a few days when they email out the final results.


Well, results are in: I got second place and won the male division. The winner lost 21.76% and third place lost 12.92%

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