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Keto Chow Success Stories: Johnathan B.

< 1 minute December 2, 2020
Johnathan B

I was quite large at the start of my journey, and nearly dying from a staph infection that diabetes wouldn’t let me recover from, my blood sugar was out of control and I was in a bad spot. I did Medifast / Take Shape For life form of keto for the first 3 years and lost the first 100 or so lbs, from there I tried to maintain or continue that without keto and repeatedly failed. Short bouts of keto worked but I always fell victim to a sweet tooth and a need for ice cream and chocolate.

Keto Chow lets me feel like im having a milkshake daily, fixes most of my sweet cravings and has helped me stay on keto for the the past year or so and I have finally got the weight off thanks to pumpkin spice, cookies and creme and egg nog Keto Chow.
* I also sometimes order other flavors, but those are the best IMO.

[wps_products title="Cookies and Cream Keto Chow, Eggnog Keto Chow, Pumpkin Spice Caramel Keto Chow" limit="4" items_per_row="4" available_for_sale="true" connective="or"]

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