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Keto Chow Success Stories: Kathy K.

< 1 minute July 31, 2023
kathy king success story

My husband and I both love Keto Chow. Between the two of us, we have lost over 60 lb. since January.

In April, we did a back-to-back cruise through Greece and Europe, lasting almost a month. We packed enough Keto Chow to make each of us one shake a day. Our goal was to maintain the weight we had lost from January until the cruise and still be able to enjoy some of the wonderful food offered on the cruise.

With the help of Keto Chow shakes, we came home weighing exactly what we weighed when we left. I think that’s amazing! I’m about halfway to my goal and know I can do it with a great product that I enjoy to help me on this journey.

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