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Live Stream recording from Feb 11, 2020

< 1 minute February 12, 2020
Keto Chow Live Stream

Every week we do a live broadcast where we answer questions, talk about fun stuff, and more! Starting in January 2020, we switched to a new platform where we can broadcast to YouTube and Facebook at the same time. It’s pretty cool, actually. You can find the stream on YouTube or Facebook

We talked about:

  • The Keto Chow flavor of the week is Eggnog. It’s 20% off until Monday morning.
  • Get Fit February is going on!
  • Today we have a great guest. Bronson Dant personal trainer.
  • Every customer of Keto Chow that places an order over $100 during February will get an opportunity to use Dr. Fit and Fabulous’ work-out app for a month, a $25 value. Be looking for the freebie to pop-up in the Keto Chow check-out page during the month of February.
[wps_products title="Eggnog Keto Chow" limit="4" items_per_row="4" available_for_sale="true" connective="or"]

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