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N=Me – (week 1 results) 2 weeks of Keto Chow, half heavy cream and half avocado oil

< 1 minute December 13, 2017

My previous experiment where all of my calories for 4 weeks came via Keto Chow brought out some interesting data in my 3rd week.

That week I changed my fat source from heavy cream over to avocado oil, this resulted in some remarkable blood tests.

A question arises as to whether my elevated triglycerides, lowered LDL, lowered HDL, and more oddities are a result of the reduced carbohydrates (under 2g net a day average), or the composition of the fats I was eating: Saturated vs. Monounsaturated, vs. Polyunsaturated. I’m planning on doing a more in-depth experiment in early 2018 but this shorter experiment will serve to further solidify a hypothesis and steer the latter test.

I just got back my week 1 blood tests and have those posted on my Experiment Results page. I expect I’ll get the final blood tests on Wednesday of next week.

For the most part, it’s been nice to be back on exclusively Keto Chow. The only real downside is that this experiment falls right in the middle of the run-up to Christmas with the accompanying parties and dinners. That sucks in that I’ve passed on some really awesome Keto food that I normally would have eaten, but what better time of year to skip all that? =)

Nothing says “Happy Holidays” quite like bringing a blender bottle to a big dinner and not eating anything else =).

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