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Days 035 & 036 – 100 days of Keto (Chow)

2 minute read • February 9, 2016
  • Weight: 208.1
  • Blood ketones: 0.3 mmol/L
  • Weight: 207.8
  • Blood ketones: 0.2 mmol/L

Recovering from the conference – got to sleep in a bit Sunday morning – all the way until 8:00.

My parents and my younger brother were coming over to watch the superbowl with us. With all the adults doing keto, it was an interesting spread. Cheese curds, jalapeno poppers wrapped in bacon, shrimp, chicken wings, and some sugar free jello and pudding (the pudding was made with cream cheese, cream and almond milk). There were a few carby things but not many. One of the jalapeno poppers was the first thing I had eaten all day, same for my brother. He asked if I had any magnesium supplements because he had a cramp in his abdominal muscles the night before and forgot to take extra. I didn’t know you could get a charlie horse in your abs. Guess I should have taken a couple myself: since I hadn’t eaten anything and I didn’t take my magnesium that morning I got a cramp early Monday morning in my Sartorius – that was fun.

I wasn’t really rooting for either team though I had a broncos football in elementary school so I guess deep down I wanted them to win. My mom, on the other hand, was vociferously rooting for Denver. It was a lot of fun.

Today I had the day off, happens when I only need 20 more hours this week to hit 80 for the pay period. Spent the morning mixing, packaging and generally having a keto chow party. After that finished I finally got around to doing some of the “honey-do” list: did the final sanding pass on the drywall in the wash room, put down baseboards in the bathroom and now my lovely wife is priming the new drywall so we can paint it. Fun stuff.

Incidentally, I tried some keto chow waffles, they didn’t work very well. Later I realized it might have been due to my using the wrong amount of keto chow powder in my mix. I was making 3 meals worth of batter so I should have been using 150g – instead I used the 300g I typically use when I’m making a 6 meal batch in the water pitcher. Guess I should have noticed when I had to add several cups of water in order to mix it.

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